Dr. Dennis Iadorola
Hi, I’m Dr. Dennis Iadorala, Dr. I, and I am one of the Founders of MYZE. I have been identifying, treating and managing dry eye for my entire career. I also suffer from dry eye, so when I speak to you about dry eye, I bring both the clinical and patient perspective to the table. Having both perspectives helps me communicate to my current patients, as well as all the new ones who will engage with MYZE, in real terms with which they can identify and understand.
DED is defined as a multifactorial disease of the ocular surface characterized by the loss homeostasis of the tear film. That’s a mouthful of doctor speak, sheesh. A multifactorial disease. Sounds ominous…let’s break it down simply to help you understand the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. Knowing these signs and symptoms will help answer our favorite question, “how do you eyes feel?”
If your eyes ever burn, are watery, or turn red….
If your eyes feel sandy or gritty….
If you wake up in the mornings with crusty eyes that hurt…
If you have sleep apnea or use a C-pap machine…
If your eyes begin to hurt or you find your vision blurry while working at the computer…
If you have a lot of seasonal allergies, and your eyes never feel right, even when it’s not allergy season…
If you swim regularly…
If you work in a dusty or smoky environment…
Are your contact lenses always uncomfortable? Can’t wear your contact lenses as long you’d like?…
If you have had LASIK or any kind of eye surgery…
If you have blepharitis or meibomium gland dysfunction…
If you have an autoimmune disease…
If you have ACNE ROSACEA…
As you can see, dry eyes can be brought on by any number of issues. Lifestyle, environment, nutrition, co-morbidities, systemic…heck, how you sleep can bring on dry eyes. This is what we mean by multifactorial. So, knowing the signs and symptoms, things you may actually ignore and take for granted, should be considered the next time someone asks you, “how do your eyes feel?” Answering the question correctly can put you on the road to relief a lot sooner.
For more information on dry eye disease, questions, feel free to contact us at info@helpmyze.com. And for addtional great content on Eye Health and eye care, make sure to check out the Doctor Eye Health channel on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/c/DoctorEyeHealth/about
Dr. I.